Tuesday, September 27, 2005

what a difference a day makes

shit, what was that commercial that had that song as the theme? some cosmetics or something. anyway, for those of you concerned with my sadness yesterday... it's gone.
i wasn't depressed per se, just feeling bummed out.
and lo and behold, after an evening of chilling at home with some tv, a book, a few lovely phone conversations, a healthy meal, a bit of exercize and a good night's sleep, i feel great today. i guess it's all about taking care of oneself really. so easy and so necessary, yet so hard to keep up in this crazy city with this nutty life. fall is upon us and it's a great time to settle in to getting back to caring for ourselves. it's important.
my NY 2 year anniversary is almost here! can't quite believe that. it seems to have whizzed by, yet so much has happened. new lives, new loves, new homes, new places and with all the newness has come loss in most of those domains. the ups and downs. the perpetual roller coaster. bring it on i say, bring it on.

Monday, September 26, 2005

monday blues

woke up this morning feeling rather blue. i think my mind and body are finally saying "enough!" i've been exhausting myself and i'm so tired. i've also put on some weight and have been feeling rather depressed about that as well. weight has never been a big issue for me, but when i put on my "nice" jeans on saturday i got a painful stomach ache from the too tightness of them. at dinner i had to not only unbutton the waist, i had to unzip them too! i was mortified.

so today, i have decided to sign up at the gym/swimming pool down the street from work and do something about it instead of whine. i'm hoping that a little daily work-out will help with my bummed out frame of mind as well.

the weekend was again full to the max. all good things, just tiring. highlights included a lovely hangout with vic in my hood, taking the kids from the shelter apple picking and hiking on a beautiful saturday afternoon, going out for michelle's israeli cousin's birthday (dinner at my favorite restaurant and hilarious dancing at the bulgarian club), and seeing danny's play "but i'm a cheerleader: the musical" yesterday (AMAZING!). i love how my two favorite people involved in theater (amy and danny) directed plays about cheerleaders. something about those big end of the play cheer numbers made me ridiculously happy both times.

kinda funny this morning when i walked into G.A.S... apparently i wasn't too good at hiding my sadness and dear olia picked up on it right away. dawn was also feeling blue and we all had a big heart to heart group therapy session. so great! i'm already feeling better. i'm so blessed that i have these ladies in my life. if i was still stuck at home, i'd be festering this feeling of poopiness and would probably be listening to depressing music, staring at the ceiling. i'm a lucky girl.

ok, now back to creating my day...

Thursday, September 22, 2005

a day in the life at G.A.S.

today was a very good day. granted, i didn't get a whole lot done in the work department, i did have a lovely time enjoying my workmates. everyone happened to be at GAS (grand artisan space) today for the first time in forever and we did it up: playing with bear (our GAS mascot), laughing with each other, telling stories, checking out each other's projects, and at the end of the day, ingri, our resident toy maker, brought ingredients for ice cream sundae's on the roof! so fun!!
witness the fun!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

absense makes the heart grow fonder

apologies for the lack of postings. reasons reasons reasons... none of which are good reasons. just stories. but i'm making an effort to be back, to be present.

where to start? ok, i suppose a little back story can be mentioned. i can't remember the last time i had a day/night to myself at home. i've been out with friends, been working in the city, been taking dance classes, been going to these intense life seminars, been visiting with visitors, been going out of town for country fun and weddings, and been falling for a lovely lovely new certain someone. excuses, sure, but all good things. i'm just pooped, that's all.

i'm so very excited for fall. the summer has been an icky sticky whirlwind of non-stop action. so so fun, but like i said, i'm feeling a bit worn thin. just what i don't want to be. i'm ready to settle back into my neglected home. start saving money (been spending like i have it) and make soups and watch netflix and snuggle in bed and talk about future travels and creative projects. yeah, that sounds nice.

to catch up visually, check the flickr page.
here's to a happy transition into fall for all.