Friday, February 25, 2005

the results are in

i think she nailed it. go margie!!
an updated version of jane fonda's "klute" hair. i didn't want my bangs starting from the back of my head. nor did i want it too carole brady-ish, all thinned out towards the back. i think what i got was just what i wanted.
what do you think??

the test of a good stylist

what better way to "move on" from a bad boy situation and feel good about myself, then to get a new hair cut? girls have been known to cut their hair when they've had a break-up--a symbolic way of "cutting the man out." i've done it before and it always does wonders for the psyche. and no, i haven't had an actual break-up, but after a year long crush on a dude i think grants me permission to "cut" him out too.

that being said, i found my cut and i'm testing my hair stylist today if she can pull it off. upon amy's recommendation, i rented the film klute last week. great 70s flick. the story was good, jane fonda's character was excellent, cool new york backdrop, etc, etc, but all i could really pay attention to was jane's kickass hair do. and this is the hair i want:

i will post a photo of my new hair when i get back to see how close it comes. mind you, i don't want the exact same thing going on... mostly just the bangs. is margie (the stylist) up to the test?

we'll find out in a matter of hours...
stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

a lesson in humility

we met in what some might say, a fate-ish way. across the pond years ago, then reunited totally randomly last year.
i've had a crush on X for a long time. a little too long. it's actually kind of pathetic how long. it started out as innocent flirtation, then a minor hook-up, and then a big boo-boo on my part. i screwed it up. and i'll admit that. but we managed to stay friends, even though i still had a crush. it worked because we didn't see each other much (out of sight, out of mind). then i ended up in a relationship and so did he.

many months later, we simultaneously ended each relationship the same weekend. weird? i thought so. he wanted to hang out right away and i wasn't having it. i had JUST ended a relationship and needed some me time. i've come to grips with the fact that this guy is a serial monogamist (not my favorite trait in a fella, but i still couldn't help my crush). after my alone time i was ready to hang out with the crush but he got all wishy-washy and flake-ish on me. i couldn't figure it out. did he like me? didn't he? i spent way too much time obsessing over the situation and creating fantasy senarios that always ended in bliss. but alas, spending time together never came to fruition. and yet again, i tried to forget about him.

but that is not the end my friends. i saw him last week. i knew he would be at said place and told myself before going not to care. stay aloof. be strong. but at first glance, all those feelings came rushing back. i was like a freakin school girl, all giddy and stupid and fumbling with my words. what the hell? i was stronger than that, wasn't i? apparently not. my heart got all fluttery as i watched him working the room. and when he paid attention to me, forget about it. i was a ball of mush.

we ended up hanging out all night long and it was flirtation central. i thought it was on. there were others there so i couldn't get the initimate details of what his current dating situation was... i just figured since our connection seemed so strong, he was single, like me. and in my fantasy world created the following day, we were going to be together real soon.

so i waited by the phone, sure he would be calling any time now to hang out. and i waited. and WAITED. was he going back to his flakey ways? no! we got along so well the other night, it couldn't be! so i waited some more. maybe he was busy or something. UGH! the waiting game was killing me and i couldn't take it anymore. i had to act.

so i took all the strength i could (it's a general rule that i never call. i'm old fashioned that way) and picked up the phone to ask X out. i thought sure this one was in the bag. i could feel it.

ring, ring.
"hi, it's megan."
"what are you doing?"
"i'm in boston"
"oh! what are you doing in boston?"
"i'm visiting my girlfriend."

i fumbled all over myself again. i must have been bright red in the face. that was literally the last thing i expected to hear and didn't know what to say or do. so i blurted it out.

"oh, well, heh heh, nevermind about what i was about to ask you."
"uh, um, er... well, i've had a crush on you for a while now and i was going to ask you out. so uh, nevermind."
nervous laughter.
stupid small talk ensued (of which i completely blocked out) and all i wanted to do was get off the phone. and that's what i did.

i felt like a complete asshole. never have i put myself out there like that. i felt totally defeated at the time. but at the end of the day, i understand that it's good i said it. i got it out and feel better for it. i no longer have to supress the crush. it's out in the universe and hopefully now i can really move on.

i'll just have to avoid him at all costs.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

friends on holiday

i just realized how many of my friends are out and about in the world. i love that they are out there experiencing amazingly beautiful places. here's an example:

wanna in india
chase in rome
t & k in cuba (must be incognito about that one)
sara, mark and tommy in brazil
bob and laura in japan and korea

all fantastic destinations. makes me smile.
and want to save up for my next journey!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

a month off

it's just been settled. i'm leaving ny for a month. mid march to mid april i will be california bound. first and foremost, i'm going to spend my 30th birthday with amy who will be taking me on a fabulous road trip up the coast to santa cruz, san francisco and ending up here. pretty exciting stuff. i think i'm at the age where i'm done with big parties. i just want a little thelma and louise action, hair blowing in the wind, driving on windy california roads and embracing a new decade of life. aaahhh...

the rest of the time in so cal i want to take care of some family business. i want to deal with my storage space full of junk. i want to try to sell some crap on ebay to get rid of my debt. i want to make a little money working for my mom's company. and i want to talk to some people about a possible new business venture.

luckily i just found a subletter for the time i'll be away (god i love this part about nyc!). rent-free living for a month. yes! not only do i get to spend time with my family and west coast pals, i'll get some california sunshine at the tail end of the east coast winter. suckers!! hahaha(evil cackle)

Monday, February 14, 2005

found vday note

i love found stuff. the found people sent out this hysterical love note that i thought y'all would appreciate in honor of sappy love day:

To: Ashin
From: Edward
Place: Library

Dear Ashin,

Do you have a boyfriend if not can I be yours. I like the way you
look and act your not like the other girls your special. You
should used your beauty more often. You are SO hot each time I see
you - you make me sweat for your love. Like Wednesday at P.E. when
you was walking, I couldn't help but look at you. So write back
with the answers.

From Edward B.

P.S. When love and peace get together it makes you

Friday, February 11, 2005

winter blues all around me

i swear, everyone i talk to is in a funk. seems as though nearly every friend of mine is going through some crazy coming into adultism... we're all nearing 30 and i think most are freaking out. who knows if it's some internal clock reminding us we're not getting any younger or if it's a society thing telling us we must have it figured out at this point and time. that or maybe it's just the winter blues creeping in, making us reflect on our laziness (i know i haven't lifted a finger since nz. ugh!). got a good feeling it's a little of all those things. whatever it is, pretty much everyone i know (who isn't on some fabulous holiday at the moment) is going through the mid-mid life crisis.

yeah, i have all those feelings too. perhaps i'm surpressing them, the way i'm good at ignoring those thoughts. but i've got a surprisingly good attitude towards the whole thing. i've sort of been looking forward to 30 for a while now. the 20s were fun and all but they were tough man. not that it's getting any easier, but i do feel like i'm happy about the person i'm turning into. well, not totally, there's always room for self-doubt. but overall, i think i'm a pretty well-adjusted woman on my way to greatness. or at least happiness. that's all we can really ask for, right? so stop your sulking and remember good things are just 'round the corner.

my corny glass is half full optimism for the day.
*note to friends: but be prepared for my bitching about life any day now. ha!!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


sunday night was the big brazilian carnival party at a bar in williamsburg. it was gold themed and my friend and i got all dressed up. i wasn't sure what to expect for the evening... was just happy to hear some brazilian tunes, have a couple drinks and shake it for a bit.

well, the night turned out to be much more fun than expected (with a little drama thrown in the mix). at peak hour, oh say, 1am, the place was teaming with gorgeous people, many of them hot guys. i've been experiencing a bit of a dry spell, so to speak, since coming back from new zealand and honestly haven't really had an interest in guys. maybe it had something to do with the infectious rhythms, but i was on fire last night, dancing with this cute guy and that one. it was great and i kinda felt like i got back on in the saddle.

at one point i end up dancing with a cute english guy who was just hilarious. from this point on, we will call him cute guy #1. he and i were cheesing it up on the dancefloor, making goofy faces and acting like complete dorks. my favorite! we were hitting it off and i liked him. we were just having a good time together with some friendly flirting. but soon enough, a certain girl, a friend of a friend, noticed my closeness with cute guy #1 and came up to me with a warning.

as he stepped aside, she made her way over to me and said in a friendly kind of way with a wink, "watch out, that guy is a player."

huh. i didn't really get the player vibe from this guy, but perhaps he was really smooth and my player radar was down. plus, it looked like she and and cute guy #1 were friends and she probably knew him best, so i heeded the warning and kinda turned down the flirt vibe and turned up the friendly one. he and i danced a little bit more and as we took a break, i noticed cute guy #2. #2 was making some serious eye contact and eventually came over and asked me to dance. he was brazilian, hot and a fantastic dancer. so much for #1 the player, i was moving on.

i was having so much fun with #2 that i didn't pay much attention to the fact that the girl with the warning was flirting with her "friend" #1. but as i left the club at an ungodly hour, i saw warning girl and #1, the exact guy she had warned me about, leave the club and got a car together! as i put two and two together, i realized i had just been the target of some serious A.G.B. (Annoying Girl Behavior).

when i told my friend the story the next day, she got all upset. she told me that this was something warning girl has done in the past. she warns girls about the guys they are flirting/sleeping with that they are really just players and not good for them (acting like a good friend), and then moves in on them herself! that's some of the most annoying girl behavior ever! i'm sorry, but girls should not be allowed to do that. there are unspoken rules that should be followed. and that kind of rule breaking just plain grosses me out.

what A.G.B. stories do you have? do tell. let's face it, unfortunately there are plenty of them. we could probably even write a book about it! yucky.

Friday, February 04, 2005


finally got around to uploading a few halloween pics from last october. i know, i know.

and speaking of flickr, i think i have a bonafide flickr crush. i adore this man's photographs. probably because they are mostly lomos. i wish mine were that good. i guess it just takes practice. and it looks like lomokev has had plenty of it. but his stuff is very inspirational. makes me want to get out there and take more pics. i think i got lazy with the digicam. with the lomo you have to PAY to get the pics processed, than scan if you didn't pay to get a cd. more work. but i will do it! adding to the resolutions list "take more lomos."