Wednesday, February 16, 2005

a month off

it's just been settled. i'm leaving ny for a month. mid march to mid april i will be california bound. first and foremost, i'm going to spend my 30th birthday with amy who will be taking me on a fabulous road trip up the coast to santa cruz, san francisco and ending up here. pretty exciting stuff. i think i'm at the age where i'm done with big parties. i just want a little thelma and louise action, hair blowing in the wind, driving on windy california roads and embracing a new decade of life. aaahhh...

the rest of the time in so cal i want to take care of some family business. i want to deal with my storage space full of junk. i want to try to sell some crap on ebay to get rid of my debt. i want to make a little money working for my mom's company. and i want to talk to some people about a possible new business venture.

luckily i just found a subletter for the time i'll be away (god i love this part about nyc!). rent-free living for a month. yes! not only do i get to spend time with my family and west coast pals, i'll get some california sunshine at the tail end of the east coast winter. suckers!! hahaha(evil cackle)


Ariel said...

Funny, I have just been thinking about this whole "30th birthday" thing, and realizing that, while some friends have already been saying "WOW: THAT'S GOING TO BE A WILD FUCKING PARTY," I'm leaning away from the idea. A road trip sounds much better. I may steal the idea.

Megan Hill said...

steal away! i'm getting excited...
and who really wants to clean up beer bottles and ciggie butts on her 30th bday? i want some wheels on pavement, some tunes, a good friend, and a cool destination!

Patrick said...

You're doin' the right thing. Shy away from the black balloon, tortured drunk-fest party. If I were to do mine over again, I would go solo camping in Joshua Tree and boulder hop until I just couldn't take it anymore. Scream into the wind with the top down...that's the way to break into a new decade.

Chase Carter said...

yea yea yea.... nothing can top a good party. I don't care what all you fuckers say. Theres no need to compare... a road trip with your best friend is a rite of passage. It's got to happen at somepoint. Shit is essential. But a party that people talk about for the next decade...there is something to be said about that ALSO. I love me a good party. But the road trips have been some of the best times of my life. Your gonna have a blast.