Tuesday, February 08, 2005


sunday night was the big brazilian carnival party at a bar in williamsburg. it was gold themed and my friend and i got all dressed up. i wasn't sure what to expect for the evening... was just happy to hear some brazilian tunes, have a couple drinks and shake it for a bit.

well, the night turned out to be much more fun than expected (with a little drama thrown in the mix). at peak hour, oh say, 1am, the place was teaming with gorgeous people, many of them hot guys. i've been experiencing a bit of a dry spell, so to speak, since coming back from new zealand and honestly haven't really had an interest in guys. maybe it had something to do with the infectious rhythms, but i was on fire last night, dancing with this cute guy and that one. it was great and i kinda felt like i got back on in the saddle.

at one point i end up dancing with a cute english guy who was just hilarious. from this point on, we will call him cute guy #1. he and i were cheesing it up on the dancefloor, making goofy faces and acting like complete dorks. my favorite! we were hitting it off and i liked him. we were just having a good time together with some friendly flirting. but soon enough, a certain girl, a friend of a friend, noticed my closeness with cute guy #1 and came up to me with a warning.

as he stepped aside, she made her way over to me and said in a friendly kind of way with a wink, "watch out, that guy is a player."

huh. i didn't really get the player vibe from this guy, but perhaps he was really smooth and my player radar was down. plus, it looked like she and and cute guy #1 were friends and she probably knew him best, so i heeded the warning and kinda turned down the flirt vibe and turned up the friendly one. he and i danced a little bit more and as we took a break, i noticed cute guy #2. #2 was making some serious eye contact and eventually came over and asked me to dance. he was brazilian, hot and a fantastic dancer. so much for #1 the player, i was moving on.

i was having so much fun with #2 that i didn't pay much attention to the fact that the girl with the warning was flirting with her "friend" #1. but as i left the club at an ungodly hour, i saw warning girl and #1, the exact guy she had warned me about, leave the club and got a car together! as i put two and two together, i realized i had just been the target of some serious A.G.B. (Annoying Girl Behavior).

when i told my friend the story the next day, she got all upset. she told me that this was something warning girl has done in the past. she warns girls about the guys they are flirting/sleeping with that they are really just players and not good for them (acting like a good friend), and then moves in on them herself! that's some of the most annoying girl behavior ever! i'm sorry, but girls should not be allowed to do that. there are unspoken rules that should be followed. and that kind of rule breaking just plain grosses me out.

what A.G.B. stories do you have? do tell. let's face it, unfortunately there are plenty of them. we could probably even write a book about it! yucky.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

How about this story (see if you can follow it):

A girl who used to write for Lotus contacted me out of the blue. I guess she'd found me online. Oh! That's nice.

She'd linked her blog in her email, and I went and checked it out and she had this post about how she'd found me online. Supposedly some DJ friend of her's had run into me, told her, she'd found my blog, then looked at some of my writing, seen the writing I'd done for hatch magazine, then seen that, oh my goodness what a coincidence!, her boyfriend's exgirflriend also wrote for hatch!

Huh. That's funny, I thought. This DJ friend of her's who'd supposedly run into me? I'd never heard of the guy, let alone met him. wtf? Was my memory going out on me?

When I emailed her about it, she admitted that well actually she'd been googling her boyfriend's exgirlfriend in a jealous rage, and had ACTUALLY found me via his ex's writing ... but she didn't want to admit that to her boyfriend, so she made up this whole elaborate lie about how she'd found me via a DJ friend of hers.

She was like "Isn't it frustrating being a girl sometimes?"

I wanted to be like HONEY: don't blame your shitty, jealous, dishonest crap on being a girl! You're a discredit to the whole gender!

I hate it when shit like that happens.