Friday, February 25, 2005

the test of a good stylist

what better way to "move on" from a bad boy situation and feel good about myself, then to get a new hair cut? girls have been known to cut their hair when they've had a break-up--a symbolic way of "cutting the man out." i've done it before and it always does wonders for the psyche. and no, i haven't had an actual break-up, but after a year long crush on a dude i think grants me permission to "cut" him out too.

that being said, i found my cut and i'm testing my hair stylist today if she can pull it off. upon amy's recommendation, i rented the film klute last week. great 70s flick. the story was good, jane fonda's character was excellent, cool new york backdrop, etc, etc, but all i could really pay attention to was jane's kickass hair do. and this is the hair i want:

i will post a photo of my new hair when i get back to see how close it comes. mind you, i don't want the exact same thing going on... mostly just the bangs. is margie (the stylist) up to the test?

we'll find out in a matter of hours...
stay tuned.

1 comment:

wanna said...

shit gurrrl. with a hot mop like that, you don't even have to think about picking up the phone, it's gonna be ringing off the hook!