Thursday, April 29, 2004

wait, how old am i?

as i was leaving for LA today, my mom said to me "now don't go too crazy in the desert." then my aunt chimed in, "yeah, don't take any drugs."
HAHA! they were kidding of course. sort of.
silly parentals. i'm 29 years old for christ's sake! give a kid (i mean adult) a break.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

3 more days

only 3 more days til i'm kicking it at coachella and i can't wait. i've been cooped up in boring-ville for too long. performing unpleasant activities in ungodly weather.
the friends are hooking it all up. 3 camp sites. 3 RV's. 17+ friends! it'll be like our own mini burning man. minus the nudie factor. eh, but who knows. these so-cal kids are known to get pretty wild in the old desert. give em a fatty sound system, plenty of booze and a little ecstacy and shit can get pretty crazy. i honestly don't know what to expect, but i have a feeling, it's going to be a great time.
yay for fun! i need some!

Monday, April 26, 2004

packing it up

the last few days haven't been great.
i've had the task of packing up my dad's house. it's been hard, but not terrible. i've kind of just put emotional blinders on and got down to business, without thinking too much about it. but you kind of can't help but think "what's it all about" while boxing up 57 years worth of a life. we accumulate so much stuff. papers and bills and photos and notes and knick knacks and furniture and TOOLS! what does all of this stuff mean? and when it comes down to it, when we die, it really is just stuff.

i think i've been pretty good about only saving the things that have any sort of meaning to me. the sentimental stuff. the peruvian treasures. the items i remember growing up with. the other stuff is going in the garage sale and donation piles... and so far, those piles are pretty significant compared to the keep pile.

my friends michele and patrick came down on saturday. patrick knows his tools and was willing to help me go through the garage. this was the first time i'd had people over to the house that had never met my dad and that was a whole different ballgame. patrick was looking over the 30+ years of tools and was in awe. he kept saying stuff like "wow, this guy had an amazing collection. he must have been a cool guy." that just killed me. i really lost it. that tool collection was his baby. apparently it was all quality stuff in really good condition. leave it to my dad. needless to say, patrick was impressed and that made me happy.

michele saw that i was getting all emotional. i'd obviously been bottling that stuff up for a while because it came out pretty bad. hadn't lost it that bad since i was originally there in january. anyway, michele was awesome and did some reiki and chakra stuff on me. when she did my heart i really let some stuff go. and was calmed down later. it was cool and i felt like i was able to let some of that bottled shit out. thanks michele! i needed that.

later that day, we headed to glen ivy hot springs for a little relaxation. it was nice. some mineral baths, club mud, hot tub action, moisturizing treatment. it was great. needed that too. a good day all around.

not much else to report from fallbrook. life is mellow here. been about 90 degrees. just packing and getting little bits of work done on the laptop here and there. and that's about it. been missing alex too. we've talked about every other night. NY sounds super springy and i'm sad i'm missing out on it. can't wait to see him again.

i am looking forward to coachella this weekend. i hope it's not too hot. and that everything goes smoothly without any major catastrophes. we're gonna have a little pseudo burning man set up... 3 camping spaces next to each other with 3 RV's full of friends. something to look forward to after all these unpleasantries.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

goin' back to cali

originally written, wed. apr. 14

on a plane on my way back to cali. listening to a little jane's addiction to get me in the mood.
i have mixed feelings about this trip. on one hand, i'm excited to see my friends and family, to hang out and spend time with them in warm weather. but on the other hand, i'm not at all excited to deal with the tasks at hand, which include an "intervention" with my grandma about my dad's house, setting up care arrangements for her, cleaning out my dad's house, more lawyer meetings and bank crap, dmv trip, etc, etc. blah! it's gotta get done though. i feel like i've sort of created a little wall in my NY world, where i don't really have to think of that stuff. sure, i've thought of my dad every single day and i wonder how my grandma and debbie are doing, but it's not a constant. i've got work and my new boyfriend and the city to keep me occupied and i quite like it that way. aren't we supposed to take care of ourselves a little too when bad things happen? well, now it's time to take care of the ones who've been suffering most. it's my duty as the only daughter to fly out and TCB (take care of business). i just hope it doesn't turn into the potential nightmare that it could.

i'm flying into LA first. gonna be there for a few days before heading down. staying with amy. gonna see all the kids too. that'll be fun. i wonder what i'll think of LA this time? the more i'm away from it, the more i gain varying perspectives on the place. i know i'm gonna love the nice weather. that's a given. i've just really grown to love NY. i never dreamed i'd like it as much as i do. example: last night. first off, i went back to my new favorite neighborhood to check out a place. then stopped into a restaurant/bar that looked really cool last time i was in the area. it was about happy hour time and a guy i saw on the subway was standing outside. he recognized me and said i should join him, so i did.
i was welcomed into the place by every person working there. OMIGOD, this place was the cooooolest. a south african joint, run by the grooviest set of people i've met in one place. the bartender was chatting me up, really interested in who i was and what i was into, etc. meanwhile the gorgeous dead-headed man to my left was spinning some of my favorite tracks (many in my own collection) on the turntables. i had a couple beers and some delicious s. african soup and then the cool bartender gave me a special concoction of his own. i was floored on my walk/ride back home at 8:30pm.
later on, i met up with alex and we went to the one year anniversary party for rude movements. ig culture made his US dj debut and played a wicked set. the place was just bumpin on a rainy tuesday night. that crowd is really great. so mixed and fun-loving. i just know that vibe doesn't exist in LA and if it does, i never witnessed it. everyone was shaking it on the steamy sweaty sorta-dance floor. ipod party upstairs where andrew andrew greeted me warmly, asking if i was going to grace their ipods that night. HA! "not tonight guys." followed by a heavy joint session wtih 5 other fellow stoners on the patio out back. back to the damp bar below for more fun. it was the perfect NY send-off.
now, let's see how LA compares.

loviness on both coasts

i'm in LA right now. it's beautiful here. the sun shining, no clouds around, light cool breeze. i thought i had it made leaving rainy NY, but it turns out, it's just as lovely over there now. kinda bummed i'm missing the spring thing back east. but at least it's nice in both places.

not much to report here. i got sick over the weekend and have just been laying low. taking care of what little business i can. sold one car. preparing to sell two more. hope they go without hassle. also prepping the packing of my dad's house. what a daunting task! the house itself shouldn't be too bad, but the garage! oh the garage! if anyone knows how to sell a shit load of tools (ranging from power tools to regular ones to all sorts of woodworking materials), i'm accepting suggestions. i would do the ebay thing, but what a pain to list every item. sad thing is, i don't even know what any of the stuff is. talk about being a stupid girl who has no clue about tools. it would take me years to research what it was, what it did and what it's worth. ugh! i wish i could just call someone and say give me x amount of money to take it all. wouldn't that be nice? and there is the estate sale route, but then i loose money. i'm a bit confused on this one. any ideas, please email me!

other than that, the family drama has been tamed. grandma is moving into my dad's house. her house will be rented for the time being. it's strange to be back in fallbrook so soon, but somehow, it's rather comforting. everyone is so nice and friendly and truly wants to help. i know smalltown USA is what i so desperately wanted to get away from, but it really does feel like home.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

international fare

dating a chef means you eat really really well.
last weekend's menu included...
friday night: traditional spanish tapas and wine (felt like i was in spain! delish).
saturday morning: mexican brunch (i'm used to huevos rancheros, but it was damn tasty).
saturday night: egyptian food (never had it before. kinda like moroccan and it was soooo yum!!!)
sunday brunch: vegetarian dim sum (who knew it even existed).
like that cheesy mcdonald's slogan that i can't get out of my head "I'M LOVING IT." ha!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

boy oh boy

it's getting heavy.
last night, when i was with new boy, i was trying to remember the last time i felt like the way i do with him.
i searched and searched through the past relationship database in my brain and couldn't remember.
then i realized, that's because i've never felt this way with anyone else.
when i told him this, he said he was thinking the same thing.
kinda huge.
me = really happy.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

small world

last night was the last time i was going to see my friend poth before he left for london today, so i took him out for a couple drinks.
we met up at my new favorite little neighborhood bar, shebeen at around midnight and it was dead. basically just us and the cute bartender.
we sat at the bar and ended up chatting with this cool fellow for a bit.
we stayed longer than expected when bartender boy started pouring us shots. btw, new favorite shot: a godfather. a couple beers later and we were still chatting it up with this guy. get this: turned out he went to emerson college too! he was a few years younger, but was there when i was! he also did the castle well program. we gabbed and gabbed about the castle. then i find out he knows some of my good friends from emerson who used to frequent the old bar he worked at.
too too weird. now i've got a friend behind the bar at my fave watering hole 5 blocks away. YES!

best commercial (maybe) ever

i LOVE this.

joints and russian pop

funny little story from the weekend:
i was out with my friend who had just got back to NY from 2 months in hawaii.
needless to say, she was completely zen-ed out. answered her door in her bikini. loved it!

we were celebrating her return and were going out in brooklyn to go dancing.
first went to bar to get a couple warm-up beverages. then new boy met us there and happened to bring along an enomous joint to share with the group.
we went to go get a car service to take us to the next spot. no one wanted to take us, but my friend and her cousin, who both happen to be russian talked this driver into taking us. he was russian too and they worked their russian magic. next thing, we're in the car. boy pulls out the joint, my friend speaks to the driver in russian and next thing i know, the giant spliff is being lit in the car! sweet!! driver then reaches over and pumps up the stereo, blasting the funniest russian speed pop i've ever heard.
it was mayhem.
here's the proof.