Saturday, January 08, 2005

on the mend

i tried to postpone coming home on an airplane on thursday. i still felt so ill and just didn't want to go through with the uncomfortable torture. but since airlines don't have a sick policy, it was either pay $700 to fly the next day or fly 5 days later for $100. can you believe that? i guess that's why people get sick on airplanes... because you HAVE to fly when you're sick, thus spreading your germs to everyone else on the plane. ggrrr...

it was pretty hellish, but i made it home. been laying low the last couple days trying to get better and right now i can say i'm over the worst of it. i should definitely be fine by monday (back to work day!). this little illness definitely feels like i've pressed the pause button on the opening scenes of 2005. but now that i'm on the mend, i've got to push myself into full speed ahead mode. must start checking off those items on resolutions list. i'm ready.

as soon as i can get out of bed. heh.

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