Monday, June 27, 2005

too much

apologies for the lack of posts lately. i've noticed that i haven't been as keen to write now that i'm at an office space and feel like i don't have as much free time to slack off (although i still do have my fair share of slacking instant messaging sessions). i just can't seem to find time in the day to blog. and quite honestly, i haven't had all that much of interest to report. just lots of work (so far... the move to the office space is going great... business is good and i'm happy there) and plenty of summer socializing. not sure if it's due to the fact that i've been here for a good year and a half to warrant enough friends to have an active social life or if it's just the time of year when people want to be out and do stuff. in any case, i've been very very busy.

case in point: last weekend. i decided to give my group organization skills a shot in nyc. in LA it seemed like i did a lot of organization of group activities and was actually a little happy to move to a place where i didn't know many people and would thus, retire my position as the party planner. well, i'm back at it. i suppose i just like to do it. i decided to plan a potluck picnic in prospect park (notice the alliteration?). antibalas and soulive were playing a free show on friday and i thought it to be the perfect time to invite people out.

well, it was a huge success. friends invited friends who invited more friends and we ended up having well over 30 people show up who all pitched in, bringing yummy food and beverages. the night was perfect, the music was great and everyone got along swimmingly. i couldn't have been more pleased with my first attempt at something like this. yay!

saturday morning was tough since i had to get up at 6am to go meet the kids from the homeless shelter. our volunteer group took 12 kids out on the delaware river on the new jersey/pennsylvania border. we were out on the river for over 4 hours under burning heat. and the river had little to no current (we were actually paddling against the wind on many occassions). the kids remained in relatively good spirits with minor complaints like "how much further?" and "my arms hurt." yeah, my arms hurt too (feeling the pain today!) but i managed to keep the troops going. i also played swim instructor/human buoy. many of the kids didn't know how to swim and even though they were wearing life vests, they didn't like being out in deep water. at one point i had about 3 kids holding on to me for dear life, dunking me under as we went down the river. with much encouragement, i got 2 of the kids to let go, hold their head back and float! once they mastered that, they didn't want to get out. pretty neat!

i was sooooo tired after that day but managed to get to GAS (work space) for a rooftop movie screening. very fun, but i was too out of it to really enjoy. and sunday was mellow movie day. saw "rize" and "batman begins." both pretty darn good. rize made me miss LA and want to move my body like those kids. i attempted the "stripper style" krumping (it's really called that in the film) in the mirror when i got home, but didn't come close. i could mimic the butt motion but the speed was impossible. and batman was better than expected although not amazing by any means. oh and while i'm on movies, go see "mad hot ballroom." loved.

see, boring writing. but at least you know why i've been too busy too write. promise to write more interesting stuff soon... as soon as something interesting happens. ;)

1 comment:

Ariel said...

What's uninteresting about this? It's exciting!