Thursday, October 06, 2005

friends a-coming

miss amy french will be here tomorrow. yay! i'm excited to have her here and show her around my brooklyn. last time she was here, i was not. and the time before that, i was living on mulberry street in the city when i didn't know the 6 subway train from the Q. now i know most of the trains and where they go.

so this time will be a little different. we've already got some plans sorted out. meeting of the friends, dinners, outings, etc. i'm stoked for her to meet the new peeps, see the work space, my newly rearranged apartment, show her around my cool hood. it always makes you appreciate where you are and what you've got when people come to town. and i could use a little of that right now.

i've been quite the confused girl lately. about life, love, my career, this city, where i want to be, where i want to go, what i want to do. the usual life questions. i'm guessing it has to do with the new season... almost everyone i know has been going through the same thoughts and have been rather depressed (feeling like they aren't where they should be). the blahs. i'm plugging along though. have been more present to getting healthier... i'm swimming almost every day now, i'm trying to cook at home and eat better and get more sleep. and i feel better for it most days. now if i could just drum up some work, i'd be all set. i know it's just a low point. goes with the freelance lifestyle. it'll get better. i'm sure of it.

and new creative projects on the horizon. more on that when those ideas come to fruition.


Anonymous said...

Megan -

I could have written that same entry! Except for the swimming thing - Portland Harbor is pretty cold this time of year...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that was me -
