Wednesday, March 01, 2006


last night i was invited to the whitney biennial benefactor's party. i was excited to go see the new pieces that would be included in the show. i had gone 2 years ago and liked a lot of the art there so i was curious to see how the next 2 years stacked up. and i couldn't complain about the free drinks and food, not to mention the fancy schmancy company that was sure to be there.

i borrowed my friend's dress, as the invite said "festive attire." those things always get me a little nervous as my festive attire wardrobe is a little lacking, especially for the ny art parties. i met my friend who had invited me and after checking our coats, we made a b-line for the free beverages and food downstairs. we got the last of the champagne luckily and nibbled on snacks (not to be snobby or anything but i was expecting slightly fancier faire... cheese and crackers? ravioli on a stick? veggies and dip? pita and hummus? mmm kay).

after filling up on the freeness and checking out some of the bizarro outfits, we went up to check out the art. the place swarming. at first glance, i wasn't impressed with most of the pieces. a lot of the "art" took itself too seriously. like there was a bigger meaning behind a piece of cloth with a splatter of black paint draped over a 2x4 resting in the corner. let's just say, i didn't get it. there were a handful of interesting things (a couple of cool paintings, some nice drawings, a groovy projection, a couple nice installations and one hilarious video) but the rest left little to be desired. granted, we breezed through without really disecting the "deeper meaning" of the pieces, but to me, most of them looked too lame to have big messages.

all in all it was a fun evening. but i think some of the artsy farty outfits and nutty people of the ny art scene were far more interesting than most of the art in the museum.

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