Thursday, December 09, 2004

back in the saddle

so here i find myself, under flourescent lights, sitting at a hard desk, staring at a computer screen, while a cold grey sky looms outside the windows of this stark office. quite the contrast from stunning green vistas as far as the eye can see in fair new zealand.

the ride home was very very very long. much longer coming back than going over. but that's to be expected. i wasn't sure how i'd feel when i got home. i was super groggy from my sleeping pill overdose (i misjudged my intake and pushed it a bit i think). had a nice long snooze on the floor during my LA layover. and a hard crash all the way back to NY (two seats to myself. yes!). when i got into my ever so clean apartment (thanks to my ultra responsible subletter), i was wide awake at midnight, eastern standard time. did the typical going through mail and phone messages and screwed around on the computer until the wee hours of the night, sure to royally screw up my sleep schedule.

i slept pretty much the whole of the following day. didn't leave the apartment except to get much needed groceries. it was cold and raining and i wasn' t really happy to be home. besides the comforts of my lucious bed, i can safely say i'm not thrilled to be back. a mile high stack of bills (with some past due dates, thank you very much), emails from impatient clients, and this muted december sky are all things to give me the post-trip blues. but i realize travel fantasies cannot last forever. i must carry on. i must earn some cash to pay off this trip. suck it up to the man!

there must be another way. i have yet to find the way, but when i do i will jump on board faster than you can say lemony snickett. ok, one thing i am looking forward to is catching up on my movies. i've been given plenty of recommendations and i'm thinking i might take myself to a quadruple feature this saturday afternoon (sneak in style). hopefully some theater in town is playing everything i want to see.

solitude is treating me well. i have no real desire to see people or do stuff. i partied it up like there was no tomorrow in nz and i wouldn't mind if i never see an alcoholic beverage for a long time. but i will tomorrow. a couple social engagements planned. ok, i take it back. it will be nice to see certain people, but i'm not really making an huge effort to be out amongst the holiday xmas cheer.

it was interesting... got an email from my travel buddy, suz from australia. she was telling me about going out the other night. bright lights, big city style. she said how she was a bit freaked out to get dressed up and put on make-up and be with the beautiful people. said that after our nature journey, she'd be much happier in a pub ordering beers and chips. hear hear! i think that's my biggest fear of going out now. i'm in such a chilled out frame of mind that the go go go of the city is gonna freak me out. give me a monteith's orginal and a meat pie and i'm gold.

we'll see what the weekend brings...


Megan Hill said...

i was speaking locally dudie (nyc style)!! i meant to say talking endlessly on the phone with my best pals too. my bad. ;)

Megan Hill said...

shit, i really screwed up on that post didn't i. please people, don't take it personally! ;) i love you all, really i do. i just love new zealand a lot too.

Anonymous said...

hey megan - i'll drink a golden or five for you this weekend, never fear!! xox, manda (who can't remember her blogger p/w)

Anonymous said...

oh please- let the girl decompress!
we all know that it's hard readjusting once you've been away for a while- especially when your'e brave enough to go on such a journey- one is bound to return somewhat changed. and isn't it the ones we love the most who should be happy for us? besides,this girl seems to hold her friends in pretty high regard-she should be entitled to her own needs for as long as she wants without having to be made guilty. so what if she's dreaming of her fuckin amazing trip instead of listening to you whine about how boring it's been without her?
build a bridge, friends!
congratulations to you- now that you've gotten away to a beautiful place- you see how important it is to do what YOU want first!