Thursday, March 24, 2005

30 and fabulous?

it's been 4 days now that i've been an official 30 year old. it's not as bad as everyone's making it out to be. i can't tell you how many people told me how awful their 30th birthday was... how they mourned and cried over the transition from their 20s to 30s. sure, it's a little scary. i didn't wake up and have it all figured out. i've come to grips with the fact that i probably won't EVER have it all figured out. i just feel lucky that i have my health and my youthful looks. i think the best part for me about being 30 is that now when people ask how old i am and i say "30" the usual response has been "NO WAY. you don't look a day over 26." i like that.

one annoyance i have noticed though... the old metabolism ain't quite as speedy as it used to be. everyone always says once you hit 30, it's all downhill in terms of keeping up the body. i've always been one of those annoying people that's never really gained much weight, whether i eat like crap and never lift a leg or not. since about college, i've been about the same weight, fluctuating within a 5 pound range. i've never had to think about it. i was just lucky like that.

i'm not sure if it's purely coincidental that i've noticed the slowing of my metabolism lately... has turning 30 really added a few extra pounds of fleshy softness? or was it all that ice cream, mac and cheese and mashed potatoes that i ate all winter long while never moving my body more than apartment to subway stop? i'm sure it's both. but seriously, i've been a sloth before and i've never had to unbutton my pants while sitting at my desk! it sucks.

i decided it's high time i do something about it. nothing drastic of course. can you imagine ME getting up early and jogging? HA! nah, i'm just gonna try not to eat as much crap and do a little more exercise than usual. i'm getting a bike as soon as spring hits in ny. i'll try to get my ass to yoga more. if i don't put in a little more effort, i'm gonna turn into another unhealthy obese american and i refuse to be that person. so in some respects, getting older is a little rough.

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