Friday, March 04, 2005

spring on the brain

i guess this has been my first full winter in new york. last year i managed to be away for the worst of it and it seemed pretty short. i didn't understand how everyone kept complaining about the shitty cold season. i didn't really mind it and didn't get the big deal.

but this year sure feels like it's been dragging. there are still patches of snow on the ground, i still have to check NY1 to see what the weather is before heading outside, and i'm still wearing heavy layers complete with hat, scarf and gloves. and all i can really think about it t-shirt weather, having picnics in the park, seeing that tree outside my window all leafy and green again and buying that bike so i can cruise around brooklyn. ah... spring will be here soon. i guess i now truly understand the meaning of seasons.

i have a feeling my longing for spring also has to do with finally being ready to meet a nice fella. looks like i have a little pre-mature spring fever upon me. that's cool. i was so anti-boy/relationship for the last 5 months or so, that i guess it's healthy to crave some attention again. and what better time to go for it then spring?!? good thing though, is that i do get to cut off the tail end of winter. i'll be in sunny california for a month, dreaming of good things to come when i return to ny. i'm one lucky lady.

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