Monday, May 09, 2005


why, oh why did i not read the fine print??? why, oh why did i assume that i was signing a document which stated what was talked about instead of what was actually written? i'm kicking myself! i'm so pissed off.

today i learned that my rent is going to increase because my lease is up. i was 99% sure that i had originally signed a 2 year lease when i got this place. i specifically remember sitting there with the manager and the broker. the broker said i should sign a 2 year lease to keep the "prefered" rental rate instead of the legal rent. i remember being hesitant, but agreeing to the 2 year lease. well, when i looked at the paper today, questioning why i had to sign a rental renewal, i noticed that sure enough, the lease i signed had a little check mark next to 1 year lease, not 2. and for my stupid stupid stupid misfortune, i will now be charged the legal amount which just so happens to be $150 more than what i've been paying! arrrrrrrrrrg!

this also just so happens to fall on the day that i decided i was going to take my business out of my apartment. my friend recently got a big work space that she's dividing into smaller spaces for artists to share. she had an opening this weekend and i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get my ass out of the house and start being ultra productive on the work front. working from home has it's advantages, sure. but i do notice an increase in productivity when i don't have the option for a nap or watching oprah. getting up and out of the house seems to be much better for my psyche.

so here in lies my dilemna... do i suck it up and take the work space, hoping that i will be ultra productive and won't have a problem paying more for home rent and work space? or do i stay put? moving into a new apartment is not an option for me at the moment. it would mean paying the same amount for an equal sized space in the same area or sharing (which i will not go back to). the good thing about the work space is there is no lease involved (month to month basis and it is very affordable). i think i'm gonna go for it, attempt to get in crazy busy work mode and hope for the best. they always say the risk takers are better in business anyway. thoughts? opinions?


Ariel said...

I would vote for conserving the funds.

Anonymous said...

Go for it!