Wednesday, February 18, 2004


in retrospect, last week was a good week.
i think i needed to make some changes and that's just what i did.
first i got a new hair do. got it colored darker and i really dig it. felt like cutting out the california i suppose.
now i feel like a real new yorker. ha! don't you just love my oh so sexy pose? i crack myself up sometimes.

last friday i went on a little shopping spree. my friend greg who works for miss sixty invited me to their sample sale where the prices were ridiculously low. and on top of being so cheap, he also got a 50% discount off those prices. and i scored!! a coat that i had been coveting, that was going for $300+ in the store, i snagged for $40!! their $175 jeans were $25!! snapped up a couple shirts, a blazer and some tights. all that for $120. amazing. i was on such a shopping high that day, it was awesome. why does shopping make you feel so damn good sometimes??

then on saturday jessica and i braved the trip to ikea in jersey. caught the free ikea bus from port authority and went a little crazy there. we wanted everything, but didn't know how the hell we were going to get it home. furniture shopping in this town is really hard if you have no means of bringing back to your place or a shit load of money to get it delivered. we ended up putting a lot back, but still ended up with 3 big bags and 4 ridiculously heavy huge boxes of do-it-yourself furniture. luckily we met a nice lady on the bus back who offered to help watch our shit while we took trips back and forth from the bus stop in port authority to the street corner where we hoped to catch a cab that would hold everything. it worked. and miraculously, we got a minivan cab!! we were amazed. in our rush to get everything out of the cab on mulberry street (tiny one way with tons of traffic that night), we forgot a bag. so pissed. it took us hours to get everything up the 5 flights of stairs. what a pain in the ass. but i have a new desk and a cabinet which will hold the TV and my stereo that my mom is sending out. YAY! a turntable!!! and good speakers!!! all very exciting stuff.

newness feels good.

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