Tuesday, November 09, 2004

NZ: day? lost count already

so because there has been so much activity on this trip of mine, i've totally lost track of time. i know it's wednesday, which means i've been in NZ for almost a week. damn, it feels like waaaay longer. i can't remember what i blogged about last time (again, i'm pressed for time), but i think it was just about arrival in auckland and cool amanda and darren and stuff. they continued to be super hospitable and took my out friday night. went to their place then went out to a club for a night of dub music. LOVED IT and had so much fun with them. they are so great (thanks amanda!! miss ya already!).

so joined up with my tour group thing the following day. of course i was a bit nervous to meet all these strangers, to see if i would gel with any of them, etc. it was a bit strange at first as those things are but soon enough everyone was getting along. the bus took us to our first destination straight away... coromandel. so freaking beautiful i could die. the whole drive was awesome. see this was my first time out of auckland, so i hadn't seen any of the countryside and within minutes outside the city, i could tell it was a magical country. went sea kayaking that day as my activity. it was such a gorgeous day and a lovely experience. i could go on all about the beauty of the area, but pressed for time. more later.

i will give a quick rundown of the stuff we've done so far so you can get an idea of what i've been doing. hot water beach (digging holes in the sand to find the hot water springs and sitting in the pools!), a great cycle ride through pretty meadow countryside, camping in the wilderness with an awesome lake that we all swam in, a heated soccer match with the whole group (thought i wasn't gonna like this group thing, but it's turned out to be so fun... so many great people from all over. all walks of life all getting along. so great!), zorbing in rotorua (rolling down a big hill in a giant plastic ball filled with water), checking out the bubbling hot mud pools and thermal wonderland park, as well as seeing a cool geyser (name is slipping me now). tried to go sky diving but the weather was shit. will try that again soon (looks sooooo rad!). and yesterday was pushing myself... a group of us did the tongariro crossing... a 17k, 8 hour hike. it was such a tough climb. never done anything like it. the terrain was amazing and it was so well worth it. really made you feel alive for accomplishing something like that. took a bunch of photos which i'll post later.

currently in wellington, the bottom of the north island, heading to the south island tonight. apparently the south is even more beautiful than the north which i can't even comprehend. not only have we been doing all these adventure activities, we've been driving across the whole country and the the scenery is just plain fantastic. it's so varied in a such a short amount of time... like you'll go from alpine to lush ferny forest, to volcanic rock to giant mountains in the distance to rolling green meadows to the most gorgeous beaches ever. i still can't get over it.

so as you can probably tell, i've been having the time of my life. really lucked out with the great group of people on the trip. and the guides are fantastic too. i LOVE kiwis. they just have the best sense of humor. cracking us up everywhere we go. i'm also having a good mix of me time and people time. if i want me time, i just go off on my own. i've actually been listening to myself on this trip. haven't been overly extroverted. kinda keep to myself in the big group, but like having one on one time with certain people. i'm mellowing out on having to get people to like me because i'm "cool" or something. i'm just me here. no "cool" clothes to hide behind. no make-up either. it's just megan from america. kinda funny. but like last night, i got a bit drunk and the fun silly megan came out... which a select few got to see. so it's all good like that.

ok, i could reflect forever, but most post before internet cafe shuts me down.
more as soon as i can, but will probably not be too soon. i'm on the road in NZ baby. and LOVING IT!!!

1 comment:

Ariel said...

WOW! Every post gets better than the one before....your trip sounds AMAZING. I love hearing about your quiet times as well as your crazy outdoorsy accomplishments. Can't wait to see pics!!