Thursday, July 28, 2005

woodstock weekend

i could die here
Originally uploaded by megasoul.

i spent the last weekend up in woodstock, NY... yes the famous place for the famous festivals. it was lovely, just lovely. i really needed to escape the city and breathe in some fresh air. hiking and swimming in the nearby swimming holes, complete with the gorgeous waterfall, yard saling and flea markets, a big old family hippy party (huge pot luck... free food and beverage!), jam bands, twirling dancing girls, kids wacking piƱatas, doggies running all over, old and young partying and dancing it up, street fair, more swimming, more dancing, chilling in the hammock, and meeting lovely country folk. i couldn't have asked for a better party/chill-out weekend. i will be back!

1 comment:

Ariel said...

HEAVEN! We'll miss you this weekend. We got more of those chocolate pyramids from last year. WOOHOO!!