Friday, December 05, 2003

cabbage soup

forgot to mention.
last week, with amy here and all the eating out and the beginnings of the holidays, i ate like a fucking pig. pizza, sweets, all that turkey, not to mention the insane amounts of booze i put in my body. let's just say, i felt like a bloated slob. and put on a couple too.
jessica was feeling the same way and suggested we do the famous cabbage soup diet. if you know me, you know i'm really not one for dieting. let along reading the ingredients that goes into the shit i put in my body. if i want it, i eat it. i did do that cleanse once and actually liked it and thought it'd be a good idea to do this before xmas binging.
i'm on day 5 and have to say i feel pretty good. i've fudged a little. instead of tomatoes today, i had peppers and broccoli. instead of skim milk yesterday, i had soy milk. whatever. good thing is i haven't had any bread. the energy level has been really good and i actually lost about 4 pounds! not that i really needed to lose much, but a few pounds never hurt.

when i told my mom i was doing this thing and she exclaimed "the cabbage soup diet! i used to do that. it's been around forever. but it makes you constipated and gives you bad gas." no constipation for me...but she was right about the gas. heh. good thing i work at home.

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