Thursday, December 04, 2003

over a week

yikes. i just realized it's been over a week since i've written. and in all honesty, it's been due to my busy schedule this week and my visitor last week. both things, good things. amy's visit was fantastic. was really great to have her here. we did it up. dinners, dancing, shopping, and drinking. oh the drinking. i think the highlight of her trip was the night we went out to brooklyn to my new favorite bar. yes, i trekked out to brooklyn to go to a bar. so sue me. i love that place. if i could find a cheap apt. right next door to this place, i think i'd move. it's just got "megan vibe" all over it. started the night at a restaurant with sake and beer. made our way to the bar and got the $5 mojitos. they were so good. the music was so good. our little spot on the couch downstairs was just perfect. a few mojitos later and we were WASTED! the perfect buzz though...just cracking up at ourselves all night. more taking digi pics of each other and laughing uncontrollably at every single one. managed to get off the couch and dance very sloppily on the little dance floor to the latin sounds. so great!

another highlight was thanksgiving of course. a good crew of us made it out to vicki's parents' place in westchester county. so beautiful out there. her family was great and put on the whole spread. after dinner, the musical theater kids did some singing around the piano. i loved that. reminded me of the old days at grandma hill's doing the same thing.
friday night was an antibalas show (and my new friend zak opened for them). that was super that band. amy and i did our sabada african routine and got a bunch of people in the crowd excited. not to mention the drummer in the band who wanted to put us on the guestlist the next night to come up on stage and perform. that didn't happen, but it was a sweet compliment.
and sunday was board game night with jeffrey, shioban, amy and her old friend danny, who i'd never met. played a little battle of the sexes and cranium. two games which i'd never played and loved both! the boys won battle and the girls won cranium! just proved that we were smarter all around and they were better at the dumb girly questions. haha.

amy left on monday. i got a message to go check out antibalas again for a free show at a book release party right by my house. got talked into going (was thinking i shouldn't because of the 7:30am train to philly i had to be on the next morning). glad i did though. there was free booze a-plenty. started with the red wine. then moved on to the lethal whisky. oh man. the band played. i danced and thoroughly enjoyed myself. once the band finished, craziness ensued. no more details necessary. email me if you want the juicy bits.
basically, getting on that 7:30am train almost killed me. i really wanted to die. the day in philly went OK. now i'm back. so much work to do. a couple little projects on top of the big project and a meeting for another project later today in jersery. i'm a roll.

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