Tuesday, December 09, 2003

happy day

today was a good day. nope, a great day.
first, i got a call from the director of a new film that is going to the Sundance Film Festival.
i met with him last week to talk about creating a website for his film. i watched the movie and it's actually pretty good. stars joe pantoliano (from "the sapranos" and "memento") and jennifer tilley. anyway, i sent him the proposal yesterday and got the "go ahead" call today! YES!!! he apparently loved my proposal. i think i'm finally getting good at this stuff. it's all about practice, persistence and confidence (oh, and encouragement from your friends when you're not feeling so confident... big thanks goes to amy for her help yesterday!!).

i just got back from a brainstorming lunch session with the m. night movie marketing people in rockafellar center. that was rad. i feel so damn legit, it's weird. approval for a new cool project and a "power lunch" uptown. HA! new york city baby. i'm doing it. and loving it. let's hope i can keep up with this crazy pace.

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