Thursday, December 11, 2003

hangovers suck!

yesterday was a complete waste because of my stupidity the night before.
i honestly don't know how it happened, but i managed to get trolleyed (as my british friend lucy likes to call it).
i met with her to go to rude movements to see dj jazzy jeff play.
it was packed and so much fun! he played all the classics, seamlessly woven together. very nice!
ended up talking to and dancing with some nice guy. had some drinks. more talking. more dancing. more drinks. and so on.
i didn't even realize i was so buzzed until i went outside with mr. nice guy.
he offered to give me a ride home, which i gladly expected. no cab fee sounded good to me at that point.
went outside, only to find his car had been towed. second time i'd seen that in the meat packing district. bastards.
felt sorry for the guy, so i let him crash at my pad. and honestly, not a whole lot happened because i was too out of it to deal (and have had someone else on my mind--let's just call him "crush boy").
i was planning on waking up early the next day to get going on my new project but it didn't happen.
the whole day was shot to shit.
greg poth came over and we had a nice vietnamese dinner. watched some bad tv and called it a night.
fucking booze man.
NY city will do it to you.
i didn't want to believe the hype, but it's looking like the longer you live here, the more you drink.

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