Monday, August 23, 2004

close, but no cigar

i ALMOST went through a break-up this weekend. in my 13+ years of dating and going through relationships, this is the first time i didn't throw in the towel so easily. we actually worked through it! amazing? yes.

i've always been one who gets the idea in their head that "this just isn't working. forget it. i'm done." i say what i have to say (usually the frustrations i've been bottling up) and said boyfriend at the time gets upset, but just lets it go, without a fight (i.e. i've dated lots of pussies). well, this time, i was actually challenged! alex is very insightful (more so, than i thought). he'd picked up on a lot of my nuances and life patterns and we had a serious honesty session. and the results were positive.

it's true. i do give up too easily. always have. when the going gets tough, i move on. this, i was told, was something i should work on. and obviously, i agreed. the fact that i was actually emotionally challenged, gave me a lot of respect for alex. he really is a great guy. and whether it works out or not, it's still good to take this as more life practice and experience.

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