Sunday, August 01, 2004


day 5 of my illness, and i had not been feeling any better. i woke up this morning thinking i had made some progress, but in a couple hours i was back to feeling horrible. when dori stopped by to drop off a little package for the trip, she suggested that i should go to the hospital. i considered it myself, but i just hate hate hate doctors and hate hospitals even more. every time i get sick i like it to go away naturally, without heavy western medications. but when i was standing outside, feeling ridiculously weak and when the sun spots appeared before my eyes, i figured she was right.

alex walked with me to the emergency room (luckily only 5 blocks away). i was dreading it, thinking i'd have to take a number and sit uncomfortably in the waiting room for hours, getting chills from the high A/C. but luckily it was pretty empty. i was called in to see the doctor in no time. when i told the nice cute intern my symptoms, he looked down my throat and gasped. i have pharingytis, which is like strep throat (inflamed lymph nodes). the nurse gave me a shot of penicillin in my rear and fed me pills for my fever and to reduce the swelling my throat. they said i should be feeling better by tonight, which i already do! i can't believe it was that easy. so it looks like i'm on the road to recovery and will be fine to fly tomorrow!


Ariel said...

Pharingytis, my god! I don't know what that is, but it sounds bad and I'm so glad that Dori convinced you to go get the shot in your ass so that you can be healthy. I'm assuming that means you'll want to cancel your special order for this weekend, or are you going to go total rockstar?

Anonymous said...

and let this be a lesson to you not to always be hating on physicians...