as you may have all read/seen by now, yesterday was the big protest march in the streets of nyc and i decided i had to check it out and be a part of it myself. my reasons for going were a combination of wanting to be there to add to the numbers, to speak out against this administration, to shout BOO when walking past madison sq. garden, and also purely for curiousity sake and great photo opportunities. yes, i am angry at what is happening in the world and i felt it necessary to be there, but i'm also not sure what peaceful protests accomplish. besides the local news broadcasts, they showed about 5 minutes of a GIANT (500,000 strong) march on the NBC nightly news, basically saying not much happened. the national news was WEAK and i had a feeling they wouldn't give the protest justice. but that just goes to show. the news had to keep a positive light on the RNC, when there are thousands of angry people from all over the country (and the world) who were there to make their voices heard: WE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS PRESIDENT OR HIS FUCKED UP POLICIES AND IDEALS (not to mention his corporate cronies)! it was maddening. but still, i was glad i was there with the masses in the sweltering heat.
this was my silly contribution (an iron-on lettered shirt that i made that morning. even had to get up early to run to target to buy a friggin iron! HA!):
i also made a little
slideshow for those of you who are interested in seeing some pics of the day. mostly of clever posters/costumes/kids/etc. you'll get the idea. and yeah, the song selection is a little, um, something, but still fitting (get into the mood people!). :)
enjoy! disclaimer: it's about 7mgs and might take a while to download (oh and it's chronological of the day... not to coinside with the song lyrics. i don't have that much time)!
what's your favorite image/poster? i have mine.
My thoughts on your thoughts are over here:
And as Le Fronch said: thanks for representing for us.
Who did the song? I love it!
the song is by fertile ground. it's called "spiritual war" on the album of the same name. if you like it, you would LOVE the album. highly recommended!
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