Sunday, October 24, 2004

1 whole year!

looking back at my first post (scroll to bottom of page) to this here blog, i noticed that today marks the one year anniversary of my posting to good ol' blogger. the year has totally flown by. literally. still can't get over that i've been in NY for a whole year now. and what a year it's been. like i've mentioned before, i think this year has been the biggest roller coaster yet. super high highs, really low lows and plenty of inbetweens. i've been both good and bad mentally and physically. i've learned some major life lessons like how lucky/grateful i am to my family and friends who have been there for me, about coping with the harsh realities life throws us, how not to get stupidly drunk and make dumb choices, what qualities in dudes i'm still searching for, how to get along just fine all on my own, and on and on. i'm sure these so-called lessons will become much clearer on my upcoming trip. but i'll tell you this much, i'm already looking forward to coming back to new york city... i say that until i go to new zealand and start planning for my next move. ;)
thanks for reading! plenty more roller coaster rides to come...

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