Sunday, October 03, 2004

boys in my bed

the past few nights, i have had 2 boys staying in my apartment (mark aka frosty and tommy from belgium). first, they were sleeping on my air mattress. now they are taking turns sharing my bed. it's been really fun having them here. i'm back on the fun track. i haven't been in bed until 5 am every night since they arrived. how i'm still doing it, i have no idea. i'm definitely an 8 hour a night person, but it's been 4 to 6 at best and we're still going.

the up our sleeve show was pretty amazing. it was packed the entire night. everyone was in great spirits. the weather was perfect for an indoor/outdoor event. the music was fantastic. people were mingling with strangers, getting drunk, having who can pee the fastest contest in line at the bathroom, and shakin in up on the dancefloor. i'll post some pics of the night later. but overall, it was a swimming success! yay for the guys. they pulled off a totaly professional dope ass party in NYC. and the new yorkers loved it.

been so many LA kids here in town this week too. it's like a little slice of LA in the city, which isn't too uncommon. but it's literally been like 20+ angelinos at every little spot we hit up. i like it. makes me super comfortable everywhere i go. sooo much drinking has been going on though. i gotta chill on that or i'm gonna crash pretty hard when they leave. i think i might go back to hermit world for a couple days after they go, just to get my sleep schedule back on the right track.

anyway, we're off to breakfast. been learning a lot about these guys. they are all doing such good things, for the love of music and and art and doing cool stuff in general. it's inspiring and refreshing. funny that the people from the place that i left are providing the stimulation i need in my new city now. happy to be their little tour guide to nyc though. i've been enjoying that. makes me feel good to navigate and not have to use the map. HA!

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