Monday, October 11, 2004

playing with myself

yesterday i went to staten island, solo style. it was another lovely day and thought it would be a good time to take the ol' free ferry which i'd never taken before. i was planning to go to this free architecture open house thing. i tried calling my new SI friend from the dr.'s office, but no answer. it was gonna be a "me afternoon" after all. i ended up going to the st. george theater which was pretty spectacular. i adore old theaters.

after the tour, i tooled around the island. it seemed nice enough. didn't really get a great sense of the place, but i liked being out of the city for a minute. while i waited for the next ferry to come i sat on the steps of a big gov't buidling, listening to my ipod. jef gilson to be exact (thanks mark!). i also broke out the old digi cam and snapped some pics of myself. instant boredom cure. love it.
here are some of the results:

rode the ferry back to manhattan, met up with chase and damaris and the members of vagenius, had dinner and drinks and quizzed each other on movie trivia. my fave. all in all it was a good balance of alone time and social time.

i'm learning this is what NY is becoming for me. i'm either on a social high or a lonely low. but the discovery is that it's OK to have both. this town can feel super lonely when you don't have anyone you want to call. you can step outside and see the hoards of people all around you with places to go and people to see. and when you don't have either, it kinda sucks. but i'm learning to be ok with just me sometimes. hey, that's what i wanted when i moved here, right? guess it took a year to figure that one out. let's see what one more year brings, shall we?

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