Saturday, November 15, 2003

the cough from hell

so last night was vicki's b-day gathering. i was still feeling pretty shitty, but knew i a) wanted to celebrate her birthday and b) had to get out of the was friday night for crying out loud. i met up with greg poth after work and we walked to the LES to have dinner at this place that he claimed was the best mexican food in NY. i hadn't had mexican since i got here, so i thought i'd see if his claims were true. got the enchiladas, which i was sure would be a true test...enchiladas can either be fantastic or really bad and if they were good, he'd be right and i'd be happy to have found a good place for south of the border eats on the east coast. the food was actually pretty good, i must admit. all white meat in the chicken which made me happy. the tomatillo sauce was pretty good too. the beans and rice, not so much. and the salsa needed some help. but all in all, it was tasty. and pretty cheap. $3.50 piƱa coladas to boot!

next was the b-day party which happened to be at the bar next to the restaurant. the bar was kind of weird. just a bar, nothing to it really. vic was there with a crew of people i didn't really know, but were all very friendly. started drinking beer, as i wasn't prepared to get hammered in my still-sick state. so i'm talking to people and then the cough comes on strong. i apologize for coughing so much, it's kind of embarrassing. more people show up, more beers, more fun is had. i end up talking to this guy who's all up in my business for coming out with this horrible cough. then he tells me it's the "little italy" cough. you've got it now and it's gonna last all winter! fuck that guy. that actually freaked me out, because i've heard of such things. this is just the start of the cold season and if i've got it this bad already, i'm so freakin screwed. the night wore on and i was about ready to get that cough to bed. my roomie was there and i figured we'd walk home together, but she insisted on staying for another drink. fine. one more. the cough was getting out of control. i think other people in the bar must have been looking at me like i was some freak for being out with that thing. i kept getting "aw!"s from others around me. "i'm usually much more fun at parties" i would laugh off to new people. it was really TIME TO GO! jessica kept lingering and finally, i put my foot down. we said our goodbyes, got the next cab and headed back, coughing uncontrollably all the way. it just got worse at home. i downed my robotusin and headed straight for bed. and guess what? it's still HERE this morning. my throat and lungs hurt! if that guy is right about all winter cough i don't know what i'm going to do...

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