Monday, November 10, 2003

the hood

today was MELLOW! i was feeling a bit under the weather. woke up with a sore throat (again). my body is obviously not used to this cold weather. and let me tell's been COLD. got down to the 30s this weekend. i'm so screwed for the winter!

jessica and i decided to do some shopping for the week in the at home all week saves so much money! i hadn't really explored the chinese produce markets on mott street, so i was up for it. it was really sunny and beautiful out but BRRRRR...
the people were out in droves. it was sunday shopping madness. i felt like frogger, dodging cars and people on the sidewalks and in the streets. jessica is fast and on a mission when she walks and a couple times i had to run to catch up (what a weiner!).

the first place we went to was this asian produce place. such nice produce. it reminded me of grand central market in was so damn cheap! we got 4 bags of awesome fruits and veggies for $12! amazing. next was the fish market. 2 pounds of fresh shrimp...$8! then 2 giant FRESH salmon fillets and a pound of scallops...$16! amazing! those fish markets were a bit much though. i mean the fish were still wobbling around in their buckets, gasping for air. it was actually pretty horrible (especially since jess and i had just watched "finding nemo!"). the worst was there was a huge bucket of live frogs that some women was grabbing at for her frog stew. YUCK. i literally felt like i was in some asian country, with all the weird produce and meats and pushing and shoving and the employees yelling at you in chinese. it was a trip. many bags in hand, we rounded the corner and were back in little italy, where all the restaurant guys shout "bella!" as you walk by. i gotta say, new york is a fascinating place.

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