Thursday, May 20, 2004

busy busy

all of a sudden, i got ridiculously busy with work. everything kind of piled up today and i'm freaking out a bit.
i know i'll work it out, but it's all a bit daunting. yikes!
the sci-fi project is back and in full effect (scary conference call with the higher ups today), a brand new website project is finally ready to go (asap of course), a new dream client is wanting a proposal and quote, my friend's wedding invite (which has been the most fun), i have to go back into "the office" job tomorrow and friday, and other past clients wanting little knit-picky things that all take time.
the other problem is that i've been really tired during the day and can't seem to motivate til late at night. it's bizarre but i can't seem to get on the normal working person's clock. like it's 12:30 now and i'm wide awake but i have to be at the office at 9am. crap. i think i'm just waiting to move to get my life back on a regular schedule. my increasingly tiny room is a nightmare... boxes everywhere, piles of junk taking up every inch, no room to get around, very claustrophobic and stuffy. it's really time. i just can't wait to have my own place and get my life organized!!!

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