Monday, May 24, 2004

stupid dumbass

why do some (make that most) men have to be so stupid?
i say this because one of my best friends just got dumped by a guy who pulled the wool over all of our eyes.
he had convinced her as well as all of us, how great he was and how much he was into our friend.
why, oh why would he decide to end this seemily perfect situation? none of us get it. especially my friend.
it just doesn't make any sense.
she is literally the girlfriend catch of the century... i always said if i was a guy, i'd be first in line.
was it simply the bullshit 20-something excuse of not being able to commit?
well, she wasn't even asking for a commitment (just wanted to hang out and have fun!)
so what gives? i want answers.
of course he gave the typical "it's not you, it's me" excuse. not good enough buddy. you suck!
makes me lose faith in the male race when something like this happens.

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