Thursday, May 13, 2004

red tape

i'm still doing time in corporate world. apparently, this particular project is going to last through august and they asked if i could come help with it a couple days a week. it's easy enough and the money is good, so i said why not. can't complain about a steady gig, can i?

the thing that's really annoying is that i'm here as a "temp employee," not a freelance contractor, which means i have to fill out a time card, go up to accounting on specific thursdays (which i always forget), and pick up my check from random people (it hasn't been the same person yet and thus gets rather confusing if i'm not here on payday). well, when i came back from my little "vacation" i knew i had a check waiting for me. but nobody seemed to have it know where it was. grrr...

first i had to ask my supervisor who didn't know anything about it. he directed me to kim. who the hell is kim? i thought it was this chick in HR, who gave me my start paperwork. she didn't have it either and directed me to accounting. all the way upstairs, i had to ask more unfamiliar people if they'd seen my check. nope, nope and nope. i was getting pissed. finally one of the accountants looked up my info and sure enough, it had been issued, but not cashed. no one knew where it was. at this point, I'M HATING THIS CORPORATE BULLSHIT! I JUST WANT SOME BREAD!

finally, after 3 email correspondances with accounting, we decided to put a stop payment on the check and she'd re-issue a new one that i wouldn't get til next week. by the time i went back upstairs, signed off on some shit saying she was doing that, i came back downstairs and KIM said "oh megan, i have your check!" mystery solved. so i hurried back upstairs, hoping the accountant lady had not gone through with the stop payment. luckily, she hadn't. and after all that, i got my measly, taxes-taken out check. pain in my ass. but it's steady pay, right?? that's what i have to keep telling myself to make it through.

good news though: i have a potential big awesome dream client meeting next week! hope that works out.


Ariel said...

I think that's fair cause to go to your manager and say "I want to establish one contact person for retrieving my check." I'm sure after this nightmare, they'd be happy to help? Weird that they don't already have that procedure in place. CORPORATE BULLSHIT!

Megan Hill said...

yes! i do have a point person now. thank god!
it only took that much to make that happen. jesus!