Wednesday, September 22, 2004

found: i eat poo!

i just love found magazine, don't you? well, i actually haven't purchased the latest copy, but the website is pretty great for laughs.

last week, when walking into the 42nd st. subway station, i saw this on the stairs:

it cracked me up and i had to pick it up off the soggy floor. the note was pretty clear, but upon further inspection, i noticed it was written on a pace university student gov't association post-it. even more strange than the message itself. perhaps the class president was fed-up after the last fundraiser. that or just extremely bored in a meeting.

when i saw it, i immediately thought "must send it in to found!" i sent one note in once, but never got on the site. i'd love it to be find of the week! think this one will make it?

1 comment:

Megan Hill said...

oh shit amy. you kill me!!!!!!!!