Friday, September 17, 2004

star gossip

heh heh, i love this stuff. so i'm hearing all the funny annoying things that these artists are asking for/complaining about. i'm kind of disheartened that jill scott seems like a bit of a primadonna. she seemed so humble the times i saw her perform. apparently she didn't consider her suite a real suite at the w hotel and wanted an upgrade. AND the room she had, happened to have an odor she couldn't get rid of with her smelly candles. we're trying to track down just what this odor was (or if she was just desperate to get a room upgrade). oy vey!
other requests include nag champa incense for all the artists' trailers, lots of vegan food orders, and special SUV transportation for the entourages. gimme a break.

i always wonder if it's the stardom that turns people into assholes. is it because they have all these people telling them they're god's gift all the live long day? or does all the cash make them think they are superior? or maybe, just maybe it's because they grew up with nothing, worked real hard to earn that bling bling and think it's their right to have better. deeeep thoughts for the day.

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