Wednesday, September 15, 2004

on broadway

finally, after almost a whole year of living in this city i am going to a broadway show. sara and i got tickets to see avenue q. the one show that i've really wanted to see. dude, it's got singing puppets for christ sake! now that's my kind of show.
i know some people diss the whole broadway thing, but i have to say, i'm a bit of a sucker when it comes to musicals. i went to emerson college where students loudly and proudly sang little ditties from shows like "les miserables" as they walked to class. this, of course was slightly annoying (as most of those musical theater kids were), but i'll admit it, i would hum along from time to time too. i don't know what it is. the cheese factor? the spectacle of it all? or maybe it's when those singers can belt one out and give me major goose bumps. i don't care how unhip or uncool it is to like musicals. i just do. so there.
anyway, i'm excited for tonight. i'm wearing a dress! and make-up! we're doing up the town tonight baby. yeah. (review of the show tomorrow).

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