Thursday, September 02, 2004

i hear music in the streets

omigod, did i have some fun in the heart of the RNC last night! holy shit, was our little expedition comical. dancing in a group of 30 or so strangers down the crowded streets of new york to the likes of stevie wonder and wang chung played on a crappy boom box, carried by an aging hippie (who i loved!). i'm so glad i opted for this "movement" of so-called protesting, rather than stand in an angry group on a sectioned off corner under the watchful eye of many cops.

oh no! this was the complete opposite. we got to spread joy and gave the republicans and police discomfort at times and big ol' smiles at others. we danced and danced and danced all over the city. i feel like i danced for 10 miles. from 10pm to 3am! my feet hurt so bad, i felt like i'd been dancing in one of those old time dance marathons for 40 hours straight.

but it was damn worth it. we started as 20 and ended up with about 40 by the end of the night, picking up curious dancing fools. i didn't know one of them personally, but we were just smiling and laughing and boogying all the while. there's just something about creating a positive energy with a group of like-minded people that makes you and everyone else around you feel good. we even got a few cops AND stiff republicans to join along. so worth it.

i'll be joining them again tonight! this time, i'll be bringing a cd. yay!

to read all about it from the creator of THE PARTY, check this.

1 comment:

Ariel said...

OH MY GOD! SO COOL!!! I really agree with you that there's something very different about a positive protest instead of a negative one. BRAVO!

Also: I didn't know it was a John Perry Barlow project! He was one of my favorite speakers at last years GOTT conference (remember that thing Dre and I go to? Gathering of the Tribes?). That's just awesome...AWESOME!!

I want to see pictures. :)

PS: Yes, I'm still working off the last of my jetlag. Hey: I slept until 5am central european time. That's pretty good!