Monday, September 13, 2004

going, going... gone (soon)

i did it. i'm going to new zealand. i just bought my e-ticket. holy shit.

i leave november 2nd. just in time to get my vote in at the booth. and i will be in the air when they name our next president. if it's who i'm afraid it will be, i'm really happy i will be on the other side of the planet. might just stay there if that's the case.

i return december 1st. a whole month. god, i'm so excited. for the first couple weeks, i'll be going on this camping tour of both islands. after that, i have no idea. i figure i'll get a good overview of lay of the land and then i'll have 2 more weeks to go back and explore the good spots. or i could hop a plane to fiji (it's only like $90!). sky's the limit baby.

feeling a bit better already. guess it just takes spending a huge chunk of cash to feel better. that and making plans for the future always helps.


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I've been reading your blog for awhile, but am always shy to comment! I live in Auckland, NZ and would love to meet up for a drink when you're here, and could either give suggestions of things for you to check out or even visit some of those things with you (after we vet each other of course ;) ). My email address is amanda at if you want to talk about it or whatever. Hope to hear from you soon!

Megan Hill said...

how cool is that? i love blogging. thanks for writing amanda. :)